Domestic Water Meters

Precision Meters leads the industry in manufacturing quality water meters and providing cutting-edge solutions to government, businesses, and individuals alike.

Polymer Piston: 15mm, 20mm ASM Polymer bodied semi-positive rotary piston water meter 114mm, 165mm long

Polymer Piston Water Meter

15mm, 20mm ASM Polymer bodied semi-positive rotary piston water meter 114mm, 165mm long fitted with an internal strainer, non-return valve, and sealed straight reading wet dial counter registering in m³. The meter is pulse-ready (1 pulse per half litre). Approved to Class C by the N.R.C.S. in accordance with the requirements of SANS 1529-1: 2019 and section 22 of the Legal Metrology Act 2014 (Act 9 of 2014).

Brass Piston: 5mm, 20mm. 25mm ASM DZR brass bodied semi-positive rotary piston water meter 114mm, 165mm, 198mm long

Brass Piston Water Meter

15mm, 20mm. 25mm ASM DZR brass bodied semi-positive rotary piston water meter 114mm, 165mm, 198mm long fitted with an internal strainer, non-return valve, and sealed straight reading wet dial counter registering in m³. The meter is pulse-ready (1 pulse per half litre). Approved to Class C by the N.R.C.S. in accordance with the requirements of SANS 1529-1: 2019 and section 22 of the Legal Metrology Act 2014 (Act 9 of 2014).

Polymer Multi-jet (Class C) Water Meter

40mm glass-reinforced Polymer Class C multi-jet water meter, 245mm in length, features a removable strainer and a sealed dry dial counter in m³. It operates at a working pressure of 1600 kPa and is pulse-ready (1 Pulse per 100 litres). This meter meets the NRCS, SANS 1529-1: 2019, and section 22 of the Legal Metrology Act 2014 requirements. Verified by Precision Meters in South Africa’s SANAS Accredited Laboratory (Designation LM 012 V).

Brass Hot Water Multi-jet: 15mm DZR brass hot water multi-jet inferential water meter 165mm long

Brass Multi-jet Water Meter (Hot)

15mm, 20mm DZR brass hot water multi-jet inferential water meter 165mm long fitted with removable strainer and sealed dry dial counter registering in m³.
The meter is pulse ready (1 pulse per 10 litres).
Temperature rating up to 90 deg C. Conforms with Class B requirements and specifications (SANS 1529-1: 2019).

Brass Cold Water Multi-jet: 15mm, 20mm brass multi-jet inferential water meter 165mm long

Brass Multi-jet Water Meter (Cold)

15mm, 20mm brass multi-jet inferential water meter 165mm long fitted with a removable strainer and sealed dry dial counter registering in m³. The meter is pulse ready
(1 pulse per 10 litres). Approved to Class B by the N.R.C.S. in accordance with the requirements of SANS 1529-1: 2019 and section 22 of the Legal Metrology Act 2014 (Act 9 of 2014).

Choose Precision Meters for unmatched quality, reliability, and expertise in water metering solutions.

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